Thursday, 21 February 2013



I'll give you all a few minutes to stop singing that classic Madonna hit

And so we'll begin....

As I've already intimated, this week I've been on holiday (not a jetting away from it all kind of thing, just a break from the 9-5).

Head was full of arty, crafty things, adventurous days out, exploring etc etc etc.......Turns out what I really needed was a week of doing sod all.

I tried to make myself be creative, insisting that I pushed through the Blah and did happening.

What did happen was cancelled days out (thanks Stagecoach for crap bus timetables) a sudden lack of money and a pile of failed craft projects.

What also happened in the wake of all this blah was this:

I got new hair

I got a birthday cake
I got a donkey

(Donkey Sanctuary, Sidmouth)

I got a Hula Hoop!!

There has been lots of tea drinking, lots of crappy TV watching and lots of hula hooping....and I don't feel a bit guilty about it.

And now for your viewing....


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Back to normal....

Last week my timetable was screwed..... no "Crafty Wednesday" for me!! But this week it's all systems go again.....

Yesterday was Drawing Class...I struggled with a pepper....I wonder how many times I've been asked to draw a pepper??? I feel that I am more of a line, less of a tone sort of person

Then I moved onto colour. Now flowers have always been a favourite of mine, so this was less of a chore

And today on "Crafty Wednesday" I have been mainly felting.....

The possibilities are endless

And we're off.....

Looks like it's going to be another cuff...

Onto the sewing machine....

Add a few little details....

Happy (nearly) Valentines Day!!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Drawing Class - Round 2

Feeling a bit better about this result.

 I fought and struggled, tried to distract myself, told myself that it was too hard to do, BUT 
I pushed through all the self doubt and inner critics and made myself sit there and do it.
It's not perfect, it's not accurate, I'm not even sure if it's that good, but I did it!!

The joys of being in a class are that you can't just have a big diva strop and fall onto the table claiming it is too hard...I'd like to point out that I NEVER do that at home 

Thanks to Quay Drawing