Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Be joyful.....

And still the sun is shining....

Clouds over Dartmoor

Contrail...hope they are flying to somewhere as lovely as here

I've been working on my paintings....

Finished and framed

I'm really loving creating these paintings, they are bringing a little joy to my life. (I've been struggling to find the joy this week. I've allowed myself to get caught up in other people's drama and shit, which, in turn, has made me angry and annoyed. To quote a friend . "It's not yours S, you don't have to deal with it" This will be my mantra whilst at the 9-5 job)

Works in progress

I received in the post this week my Mini Protest Banner from the Craftivist Collective. I'm going to be taking part in their Summer/Autumn Project. I can't wait to get started!!!

The goodies inside

In amongst my doom and gloom moments this week I have been finding inspiration and enthusiasm from Anastacia Drake, She is a motivated, dedicated artist and rule breaker...go and check out her work!!

I was also incredibly stoked to be involved in this project for Tony Plant. With a little help from his friends and strangers, he managed to raise enough founds to buy essential equipment that meant he could continue to show his art to the world. And it was funny to see my name in one of his artworks!!

See if you can see me:  here


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

When an idea comes together......

What started off as an experiment and a play around has blossomed into an idea.

Which has made it's way into a new card range (once they've been tweaked they'll be available on my Folksy site)

And I've also reopened my Cafepress shop, so these images will be available to buy from there too. (Again a bit of tweaking and rejigging and it'll be good to go)

I'll keep you posted as to when they are available etc etc etc 

Now if you didn't know, the UK has been under a beautiful blanket of blue, cloudless skies for the last week, so I'm off to make the most of this very rare event.....


Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Tea and Cakes.....

This week has been about tea and cakes and rekindling friendships.

If you ever visit the South West, try and stop off here for a some refreshments.

They do things a bit posh, but its amazing!!!

I've also been brewing an idea and baking some plans.....

It all starts with a small idea

I'm going to be getting on that Wild Donkey again and riding off into the sunset.

So I'll be donning my cowboy boots and hoping not to get too saddle sore!!

