Wednesday, 3 April 2013


it would seem that life isn't about creating art right now, 
it's more about creating a good life.

Sometimes, the world has a way of reminding you that some people are shady and actually not very nice, but that's ok.

It's a reminder to choose more carefully the people you let into your circle and for you to be more aware of the energy vampires that surround us (FYI, they don't sparkle!!).

On the happier side of life.....

I've been hula hooping more, I'm not very good, but it's fun and that is all that matters!!
I'm hoping to be as good as this one day!!

I also had an amazing Crystal/Reiki session from Luciana at Infinite Choice.
It's all about the self care at the moment, nurturing the mind, soul and body.

Yes, I am a fully paid up member of the


And to quote a bunch of amazing women....

Namaste Bitches!!



  1. Hula hoopers always amaze me! I can barely keep the thing going for 2 seconds.

  2. In my head I imagine I'm some lithe willowy hula hooper.....doesn't make the hoop stay up though!! :o)
