Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Sunshine...... only sunshine..

I know, typically British to talk about the weather, but how nice is it to feel the warmth of the sun???
It just makes such a difference to the mood.

I've actually done some crafting in between smiling at the sun. 
Some glass beads from Ikea

Became a beaded tealight holder...just need to finish it off

This was part of a art/craft gift swap I signed up for.

I got a jar of yummy chilli jam in return

This morning I woke up to sunshine and Grandmother Moon

So I stood there and watched her for a while, whilst Hula-Hooping I may add, listening to the birds

The birds were loud and proud today!!

I believe this little chap may have been responsible for a lot of birdsong today

In typical Explorer style, I set out for an adventure....

Primroses have taken over the garden this year

Finding a home in the most unusual of places

The beautiful old conker tree, just stating to burst in to live (we were beginning to worry that it wasn't going to recover from the brutal hacking it received during the winter from the local electricity board..that's a whole other ranty blog post to come)

And the swallows have returned, a sure sign that summer is coming!!!

Get out in the sunshine and enjoy


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